Monday, March 23, 2009

iPod in instruction

On a website i found that nursing students are using video ipods to teach lessons.The use of technology has increased in several teaching institutions. These technologies include podcasting, webbased teaching and simulation. The purpose of this project is to compare student performance between students who are taught nursing skills by faculty demonstration and those taught nursing skills delivered via video iPods. A convenience sample of 10 first semester junior students participated in the study. Students were supplied a video iPod with prerecorded nursing skills. The nursing skills were taught and recorded by faculty members in a detailed manner.Students practiced nursing skills at different times than students taught by faculty demonstration and were able to view the skills anytime on the iPod. All 10 students successfully checked-off on skill return demonstration. In addition, the video iPods were utilized in the clinical setting. Students viewed the skill demonstration on the video iPod prior to performing the skill on a patient. The use of video iPods can serve as an extension of faculty members. Future implications for research and practice include patient teaching, hospital manual for nurses, student teaching and teaching new faculty members. This project was funded by the PARTNERS Organization which supports nursing research and nursing scholarships.

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